Patient Transaction Screen – Viewing Distribution Codes
In order to see exactly where payments were distributed you can view Distribution Codes. The following is an explanation of how the Transaction screen appears when View Distribution Codes has been activated.
- Click on View from the menu bar.
- Click on Distribution Codes. There will be a check mark next to this feature.
The Transaction screen will now show how payments were distributed.
Note: The options selected under the Distribution tab in Office Setup will affect how distributions are linked. For example, payments can be linked either on the payment date or the date of distribution.
When distributions are done, the total amount of the payment that was distributed will be shown on the Transaction screen with the description of:
Payment Distribution
The individual amounts that were distributed will be shown on the individual patient Transaction screen with the description of:
From [ID #] Patient Name
This is the ID number and the name of the patient whose Transaction screen you were on when you distributed the payment amount. There will be a separate line for each amount that was distributed. If you have distributed a payment to any family member, you will be able to click on View-Distribution Codes from the menu bar in their individual Transaction screens in order to see these Distribution Codes.
If a payment has not been distributed, you will notice that the CASH OR CHECK PAYMENT LINE will appear in green.
If you did not distribute the entire amount of the payment, the CASH OR CHECK PAYMENT LINE will also appear partially in green.
Click on Distributions again and the Transaction screen will return to showing only the total of the Payment Distribution amount.
If you delete a payment line that has been distributed, MOGO will remind you that the payment is linked to other patients. Deleting the payment line will delete distributions that have been made for this payment to other family members and will reapply the balance due back to their accounts. Deleting transactions will affect your Daysheet and it will need to be regenerated for that date.